Monday 10 June 2013


So my friend asked me to do a post about games which I am looking forward to this year. He also mentioned E3 so I will be using that as a guide for the games which are coming out because that is basically to show case what is coming out. 

Here's the link to the games suspected to be at E3.. Assuming its almost upon us it's strange that loads aren't even confirmed to be there yet.

Also, this comes to you from my netbook as for some reason the Blogger app thinks it's a great idea not to be able to change the size of the font.. And when you copy and paste any links in the font changes size. For the rest of the post. My OCD can't handle that.

1. Dark Souls II
There's a surprise. So I have recently gotten back into playing the first one and this has got me eager for the second one. They could literally change nothing about the game but create a new storyline and the game would be amazing. It's a game that you like to get frustrated with because of the sense of reward from beating it. The only thing I would like for them to introduce is a lot more diversity with the magic. I know a lot of this won't make sense to a lot of you but for those of you who do know.. They are all pretty much the same. Plus the pyromancy is just to easy to chuck onto any character without some scaling statistic. All in all, can't wait.

2. Beyond Two Souls
See, those of you who know about this game will think this is a bit of strange addition to my list as it will only be available on PS3. I have a 360 so I won't be able to play this but from what I understand it is developed by the same people as Heavy Rain and will be staring Ellen Page; who is a wonderful actress. If it is anything like Heavy Rain, the storyline will suck you in and I will probably end up watching the entire thing on YouTube. Someone will play it and show people. That's what I'm looking forward to. Is that bad? I'm looking forward to watching something rather than playing it.. Each to their own?


3. Call Of Duty: Ghosts
Yeah, another Call Of Duty.. And it's by Infinity Ward who I don't really prefer compared to Treyarch. The name 'Ghosts' suggests they may be going down a slightly different route than usual, more of a game which rewards you for being stealthy. I can't see them changing it too much because everyone would go crazy. It's just a name at the end of the day so I can assume that it will be much the same as the other ones just with a new story, different ways to do the multiplayer because that is what most people seem to be interested in. The amount of people that you'll play online who haven't finished the main storyline of the game. That's the real point of a game really.

4. Dynasty Warriors 8
I didn't even know that they were making another one! I remember the amount of time I would spend playing this game at home and with my friends. It was very addictive, offered heaps and heaps of replay value. Only a little snippet for this one as I haven't played one in ages.. And I didn't know they were making a new one. It hasn't been confirmed for E3 so it may remain a mystery to me for now.

5. Elder Scrolls Online
Another game for me which will most likely be an unplayable unless the requirements are ridiculously low for the PC. It is a game which everyone has been asking for for years, ever since Oblivion. I always wondered what an Elder Scolls MMORPG would be like and I guess now I will get to find out. Once again it will most likely be a game I will just watch rather than play because I've never really been much of a PC gamer but.. I can see this being really big if it is done right.

6. Final Fantasy (All of 'em..)
There are many different Final Fantasy's which have been announced including 13-2 and then some PS exclusives which suck.. Especially as they are remastering FFX which was easily my favourite out of all of the FF series. I would consider getting a PS3 to play that in all its new HD gloriousness as long as the game and story stay the same.. That's very important. Just change the graphics so it as crisp as all of the newer ones and they'll be sitting on a gold mine. In my opinion anyway.. Yeah.

7. Splinter Cell Blacklist
Another game which I used to play all the time when I was younger. I remember this series of game being the only one which me and my friend Adam would talk about or play. We always wanted to get 100% stealth rating and what not, he was a lot better at it than me. I was always better at going in and crashing about the place. Not as satisfying as 100% rating truth be told. I hope they get back onto what Splinter Cell was originally about with this game, because the one after Double Agent was nothing like it.. They had the stealthy bits still in there as an option but the amount of times the game forced you into a fire fight did not feel right. Yes, the other games did have these situations as well but you would always have a way to do it stealthily, slowly and strategically picking everyone off one by one.. The AI was the best because they would notice that there was slowly less and less of them. Wuha. Looking forward to this.

8. The Last Of Us
Once again a PS3 exclusive that just seems to have an amazing storyline.. One to watch - literally.

There are probably more but these are the ones from the E3 list which I am watching out for. I can't wait for it all to be over because then there will be loads of new things for me to watch on the YouTube's about all of these new games. I was hoping that the new Rainbow Six would be on the list because they announced that last year.. Then it sort of disappeared and apparently it was supposed to be resurfacing this year. Who knows, maybe they are sneaking in the back door with their booth as a surprise.

Thanks for reading. I probably just bored a load of you.

If you would like me to do a post about something, just let me know. All research is done on my end so it could even be something about quantum mechanics  not that either of us would understand it. BYE.

Blog you later.

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