Monday 3 June 2013

Guess its a short one today..

So it was Monday, didn't really have a lot to do. Amy let me have her iPad for the day as she had no use for it at school so I thought I would try and discover some new YouTubers so I could trawl through all of their old content to watch. That's the best thing for me when you find a new channel; it's like a gold mine as you haven't watched any of their videos.

Today I watched a load of videos from a guy called Jack Vale who is a YouTube prankster. He has a lot of simple yet funny pranks which he shows off. My favourite is probably the Vaseline high five. Simply cover your hand in Vaseline and then offer random people high fives. Jobs a goodun'. The best part is the reactions from the random public who are his prey. You never know how they'll react..

I had a reason to wear a suit today. I think I looked pretty scha-weet. I won't say why because.. Of superstition so. Got to take my new suit and shoes for a spin. Happy Matthew as I love to be suited up as Barney from HIMYM would say. Shame it was so hot though, made it pretty stuffy wearing the suit jacket.

I also played some more Dark Souls. Ahhh, yeah I am still into. All good fun. Also getting back into the mood for Sims 3 Pets as I feel my achievement hunter side growing anxious at the like of achievements I am getting. All the ones of Sims 3 take a lot of time in comparison to the payouts. Makes them feel like a real achievement. Oh yeah.

Amy got let out of work a little early today which is awesome as I got to pick her up early! Had spaghetti carbonara again because we love it so much. It's the bacon I'm pretty sure. Bacon is just good. Gurd. Om nom. Also mushrooms, we have a new found love for fresh mushrooms. Fry them up a little and bam, you've for a peppery healthy addition to your meal. Goes well with the sweet juiciness of the bacon. I should be a chef. I can cook 4 meals so that'll do. I'll be like that French restaurant which is literally one table in someone's living room. If she can charge full restaurant prices then she must be turning a hefty profit. 

We then spent the evening relaxing and watching some TV, playing some games. We then went to Tesco's as Amy has been craving some cheese scones after we had one of my mum and dads from their shopping trip. They are some of the he's scones I've ever had. Nothing compared to home made because home made always wins. Simple. Came across this amazing deal on ice cream - so worth it.

99p or two for £3.99! Why didn't you say so? Just take my money now!

I said it would be a shorter one. The title warned you. Hush my reader friend. I shall blog you tomorrow, have a good day. I always forgot to say than. Now enjoy the running monologue in my head being immortalised into the Internet. Yeah. Bye. Outro!

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