Monday 9 September 2013


I find myself finding it harder and harder to think of titles for my posts when I have basically done the same as last week. So going for the number of todays picture is always going to be different. 

So as I just mentioned, my day did mainly consist of watching Dexter and playing some Isaac, it was one of them annoying days where I had the energy to do something but the weather was pretty abysmal to put it simply.. I would've just gone for a walk by myself or with anyone around just to pass the time and have a chat but.. If all you're going to talk about is how wet you now are it's not really worth the walk.

Anyone reading this who has Steam and knows of a game that's relatively cheap but fun, let me know. I am currently only playing Isaac, which for some reason is not unlocking any achievements. I like turn based strategy games like Final Fantasy but.. It's really hard to find any games like that because there isn't a genre specific to it. I just find it crazy how huge the discounts are sometimes on there.. Up to 75% off!

I did pop along to Tesco's today to get some bits for tea as we didn't have what we needed at hand.. I always hate it in car parks when the cars are parked so bad that you try to pull in, then have to literally go find another space because you're not comfortable leaving you're car next to them. It's always the people with the big expensive cars who are scared that a moth will land on it. And there are always people parked in the disabled spaces without blue badges. I am not saying that they aren't disabled but who knows? Where I work, we have an area away from the shop to park and people still come and sit there to wait. It even says that unauthorised parking will lead to clamping and a fine. Then when we block them in because there's no where else to park - angry mode activate! Can't win really. Parking sucks. But it does lead to people making funny posts which end up on 9gag.

So I don't know if any of you are watching Gadget Man on channel 4, it's only two episodes in but it's so cool. Basically all of the things on there are daft and overpriced and you wouldn't dream of using them but.. It does show how much money rich people will throw away on silly things. Like a shower controlled by your Apple device for £16,000! Yeah, adjustable flows and heat and what not but.. A normal shower does just fine. The random temperature changes help wake you up in the morning as uncomfortable as they are. Today was also the first time that Google Glass was filmed for a TV show and I must say that they have pretty good picture quality.. I just don't see them taking off at all. If everyone had them, everyone would be talking to themselves.

Thanks for reading today people of the interwes, blog you later.

Day 71
I popped into the shop where I worked today to pick something up that I left there and noticed this box out the back of the shop. Inside is one of them stands you see filled with a new product or something.. Made of cardboard but with the stock prepacked. They can be pretty heavy if it's new chocolate bars so I understand the picture.. I just found it pretty funny.

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