Sunday 22 September 2013

Today is Sunday

Hello internet. 

So, I will go into further detail about the fishing trip with my dad because.. Friday I just do a picture. So we started off by heading to a bait shop in Gravesend and there were pictures of these huge catches up on the till area. I want to catch one like that now but I won't try and get ahead of myself. Then we got a bacon sandwich from this little cafe in the market area which was really good value. This massive plate breakfast with basically everything on it for only £6.50. We headed over to this little industrial estate where the bait shop suggested fishing but the car park was only for two hours. We ended up parking at Blockbusters who said we could park there all day as long as we gave some money to charity - awesome person that man. So we parked up and walked over to the sea well and started fishing.

I won't lie.. Casting off is really scary the first time you do it. You have a long bendy stick with razor sharp hooks and a weight on which you are waving around. My first cast sort of went.. Very high up rather than out to the water as I let go far too early. I got the hang of it eventually and I can cast about 20 meters out.. Roughly? I'm not really sure. First we caught two crabs who just held onto the line for no apparent reason. Then my dad caught the eel which I showed yesterday, then I caught two little fish, one of which you can see down the bottom. I found it a lot more enjoyable than I first thought I would and I really want to go again now!

Then I had work. Bloop.

Yesterday we popped to Maidstone to look for some bits, didn't find what we needed.. Amy told me today that there is going to be a new drive-thru McDonalds by the cinema. For those of you who know where that it - the old car showroom at the end of the road leading to it is apparently where it will be. I think thats a good place for it but there will be a hell of a lot more traffic there now.. And the little fish and chip shop opposite might find itself being out played..

We then headed to Tonbridge to try and find stuff. Once again we were unsuccessful. We did have a Subway though so I that made the trip worth it to me. I do like a Subway, can't beat fresh ingredients. 

We then went home for a bit and for some reason my mind is drawing a blank on what we actually did for a couple of hours.. Grey area!

We then went to Asda and Tescos because we felt like it. Did a little bit of shopping. Browsed the new DVD releases. I would one day like to upgrade and get a Blu-ray player but the films are so expensive! I would probably get one and never use it. I know they says its true HD and all that but I have an old TV which probably wouldn't handle it so well.. And all the extras - no one ever looks at them. Unless it is a film you love. Love love love.

We had takeaway pizza with these amazing BBQ chicken wings, Amy had discovered them a week ago and insisted that I try them. Oh-em-gee. They were so good. We also watched X Factor waiting to see Andrea and it seemed like they were saving her until the end as they usually have the best ones on at that point. She was on screen for all about.. 20 seconds? Which was a shame and everyone from our old school was posting on FB and Twitter saying - 'is that all she gets!?' but we know she's good. We know.

Today was mainly chilling until I had work. Bloop.

I'm sure most people will have seen some sort of silly picture relating to iOS7 somewhere by now about how everyones talking about it and nothings really that special.. And walking around on the weekend it was funny actually hearing a load of people talking about it. I never really noticed that many people were so baffled by it, saying it looks like Android and what not. Even if it does, at the end of the day it doesn't really matter. A phone is a phone, yes we like to have nice ones and yes they'll all copy each other. You can't copy right or patent a layout or design, it's one of those creative things which would be impossible to argue in court. Yeah.

Thanks for reading today peoples, I have a long shift at work tomorrow, 9-4 so I'm not sure what I'll talk about but we'll see.. Blog you later!

Day 84
Here is one of the little fishies. I'd say about half as long as the eel maybe, I was very impressed with myself even though it was only a tiny thing.

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