Sunday 29 September 2013

Power Cut

So I'm going to keep it short today because I am quite tired and the such so.. Yeah. Read on fellows.

I completely forgot to share my blog yesterday. I uploaded it and that was it.. Just walked away from my phone. I always post it on Facebook and Twitter but I got as many views as I usually would.. Maybe more. So I'm not sure if that was a load of new readers, people checking back or the title getting more hits in search engines - who knows? But thank you anyway.

The deep fat fryer we got came from Argos, just the value one so it wasn't hurtful on the pocket.I honestly wasn't expecting it to work amazingly because the last value kitchen appliance we got just didn't work.. A toastie machine from PC World. But that one was very impressive, it heated up in about 3 minutes and cooked the sweet potato chips really nicely. It made the outside edges crunchy and the inside fluffy just how we wanted them. All inspired buy that little food place at Cobham services - if only you weren't 40 miles away.

We went to Bluewater today because we can. Had a wonder around the shops. Amy is debating getting some Uggs as she has wanted them for as long as I can remember but now it's choosing which. I did some shopping for birthdays as October is a killer for me. 4 birthdays and then my car tax at the end of the month. Fab eh? We noticed today that there 'posh' bit of Bluewater seems to be quite deserted and then everywhere else and around the food court is very busy. 

I had work today and I know I don't usually talk about it but there were three power cuts today and.. It was night any way but the shop also has no windows. So it was pitch black for a second or two before the power kicked back in and it was pretty creepy. The first time I was serving people on till and obviously the tills run off of electricity so they stopped working.. And took a good 5-10 minutes to turn back on. Nice long queue. The other two times I was on my break sitting out the back on my own.. And then pitch black. It was creepy. I'm glad we have emergency power for when it doesn't come back on otherwise that would be a really scary place.

Thanks for reading peoples, means a lot. I shall have to think of something interesting to do for my 100th picture I think.. That's coming up soon. Blog you later!

Day 91
We were at Morrison's the other day and we found these two boxes of tablets next to each other. Someone either wants to have a tug of war with the top and bottom of their body - or they couldn't decide which prank they were going to pull.

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