Thursday 26 September 2013


This'll only be a quick one as my day was mainly comprised of the same components as yesterday so I'm sure you don't want to read all of that again.. But also I'm quite tired so my energy levels are running a tad low.

I did watch a very nice YouTube video today in which a magician does a magic trick for a homeless person and then gives them money. Somewhere in the region of $100 and it was very nice to see their reactions. One of them cried; tad emotional. The YouTube channel is called MagicofRahat if you want to check him out, a lot of tricks he does are pretty impressive. My favourite - and also how I found him - was his invisible driver prank where a car appears to drive through a drive-thru all by itself. He appears to have a lot of money to throw away..

Played some Rainbow Six.. Some Isaac.. Watching some Heroes. I'm on Series 3 now and it's getting to that point where you just have no clue of whats going to happen. My only gripe is that so many characters can see into the future, you keep being told whats going to happen.. And sometimes it does but then they add a twist on the end or they spend a lot of time changing the future. It's a little bit repetitive in terms of story line but please don't get me wrong - it is one of the best series I've watched. It's moved up in my estimations.

We were very adventurous with our dinner today - we made our own pork burgers with home made sweet potato chips. I would like to say it turned out pretty well, the chips weren't as crispy as we'd hoped but we think a deep fat fryer would do the trick there. We'd never done anything with sweet potato before ourselves; we've bought them at food places before but they're all done for you. They are really hard to cut, and the deep orange colour is quite confusing. Definitely tasty and from what I've been told they are really good for you. Tasty healthiness - hell yeah.

Thanks for checking the blog today peoples. Or at any point in fact. Blog you later.

Day 88
It's two fat ladies - 88. I wonder who invented them bingo calls. Anyway, here is the finished work of our labours. There's something about it making it all yourself which is somewhat satisfying - other than the taste.

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