Tuesday 3 September 2013

Two For Tuesdays

So today was actually the last day before some people go back to school. I know some schools went back today. Schools good for you so don't complain. 

So today, we went to Maidstone to try and find some bits and I use the word try because we didn't find any of it.. But it's not too bad. Got us out the house rather than sitting in all day, that can get a little tedious. The only thing we did buy was a bottle of water because Amy got a bit of a headache. I blame the weather suddenly relapsing back to summer, whats the deal with that? I'd quite like it to cool down a bit now.. Warm but breezy is the way to go.. Please? We were pretty lucky with the parking though. According to the thing we arrived dead on 2pm, and we paid at 2:59 pm so.. 1 more minute and the parking charge would have gone up. Legit skills.

When we got back in she still didn't feel so well so she went to have a lay down, so I decided to watch another episode of Dexter. I've got one episode left in the first series to watch, I was thinking of doing like.. A little summary once I have seen it all just to mention things which I do and don't like. It will obviously have spoilers for those of you like me who haven't started or have only just started watching it but.. For people who have seen it, it may rekindle your memory a little. I think it's still on TV so there'll always be more to watch. It's the type of thing I really have no idea about how they could end the series.. Like completely. For example, Only Fools and Horses ended with them finally becoming millionaires and then loosing it all again. Which I really hate a lot. With this could they make him develop feelings and just give up killing? I don't know. Speculation.

Pizza Hut + Tuesday = Two for Tuesdays, or buy one get on free on pizzas when you collect them. So we did that. We had to go in to Maidstone from a different direction that what we're used to which was pretty freaky. I know that sounds silly but I don't like driving new places. It's just horrible and what not. Once you know the road it's really not so bad but until that point.. Bleh. We went in a different way so we could just pull over and pick the pizza up rather than paying for 5 minutes of parking.

As I have mentioned, I am now playing The Binding of Isaac. I got it through Steam which is like the Xbox 360 dashboard but for your Mac or PC. I was browsing through and I was just thinking to myself.. I need to disable my card on it or something, there are so many games I've watched on YouTube and always wanted to play and now I can. And they always have sales on, and offers.. One game was 50p. 50p! Just so much stuff which is oh so tempting. But I have good self restraint. I will not buy anything else.. Right now. I saw Game Developer Tycoon on there and that looks quite interesting to play, I've watched some Let's Plays of it so.. I get the idea. I just find it strange how there is a crazy span in the price range. Like the game that was 50p.. Then there are ones which come in three parts costing £60 each! Dayum.

That's all for today blog readers, blog you later.

Day 65
So I mentioned a couple of days ago that the shop where I work is already selling Christmas stock, the snowman chocolate things. Well we thought we would try them and I must say that they are pretty good. Definitely keep them in the fridge though because the inside is all mouse like so you want that cold. Just nicer to bite into. And by the way - that is Amy's gossip magazine. Just for clarity.

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