Sunday 15 September 2013


I've just noticed that my last 3 posts - including todays - have been pictures of animals. It just seems that animals are being rather photogenic for me lately. Well.. Not photogenic but there and staying still so it's not blurry. You know how they can be.

Sorry that the last couple of days have been a bit skimpy on the content side.. Just pictures really but some stuff as has been going on which means I've been a bit distracted so sorry about that but it should be back to normal runnings from here on out.

Some of you may have noticed that I have recently re-skinned the blog, for a while I was also using a 'dynamic' one which was a page of pictures which when clicked on opened the associated post. I like that, it loaded up differently every time but.. It didn't format or work properly on mobile devices and on tablets so I didn't want to limit my content to anyone. Plus you loose all the space for a sidebar to have other links in. So I thought I would go for what it is now, the same sort of layout but a new colour scheme. I know it's quite grey but I like that colour and the way the backgrounds of the post with the white texts stands out. I will probably jumble it up again at some point, might look into making my own one if I can find out how.

I was wondering around Sainsbury's today and they randomly had the 2014 Minecraft annual. I didn't even know that they did one but it was very well made, it had a load of ideas for stuff to build. It was quite funny to be honest, it's just amazing how far it has come from being one mans hobby to a global phenomenon. All I say is well done to him.

I have been told that the music teacher from my old school is on the X Factor next week so watch her and see how good she is. Andrea is who you are looking out for!

I think I mentioned before that S04 E01 of Dexter wasn't working on LoveFilm so I thought I would send them a message letting them know and then it was working again the next day so I am not actually on season 5.. I am going to be so annoyed when I finish season 6 because I think it'll be a while before the newest season gets on there. It's only just come out on DVD I'm pretty sure. Still so addicting to watch.

I have been informed that Jeremy Clarkson is thinking about running for parliament and no one knows if he is being serious or not.. And where it would be quite interesting if he were to succeed I don't think he would take it seriously. Yes, he would speak his mind and campaign for things he would want but.. I think it would all be a bit naive and for the cameras rather than because he actually wants it.. Just me thoughts. 

I shall leave it here for now as I can't quite think of anything else to say. Yeah. Blog you later.

Day 77
So here is another animal picture. This time it is of my cat. He is actually coming back inside now which shows the weather is really taking a turn for the worse because otherwise he doesn't care for the inside world. I'd mentioned to Amy before about cat games on the iPad and seen some cats playing them on YouTube. We actually decided to try some. I think it held his attention for all of.. 20 seconds? Maybe. Then he just ignored it.

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